I'm hoping that one of these days I can update my blog more regularly, but for now, this is what we have been up to.
I can't believe it. My little Pnut is 3! 
Not only did August and September fly by, but really the last 3 years have just whizzed by.

We had a Birthday Party at the park on Saturday. We had the cousins over and had a blast with the pinata. We also had lots of yummy food.

I made Paislee a birthday cake, it didn't turn out quite like I was hoping, but Paislee loved it. That's all that matters right!

Heath had Governor's Day for September drill. The kid's had fun hanging out with their cousin Parker, Aunt Amberlie, and Uncle Ben.

Heath marching, he is the soldier closest to the fence in the back. It was really hot at the stadium and the soldiers were dropping like flies.

Papa came home on leave from Iraq and spent a couple days at our house riding dirt bikes. We had a lot of fun, but the two weeks that Papa was here from Iraq went by way too fast.

This is us on top of a trail just North of Gunnison. We had such a great time, except that I wrecked my dirt bike and broke my handle bars. I am still trying to recover, I hurt my knee
and elbow. Thank heavens no broken bones though!

Mom and Dad

Mom, Riker and I watching Papa and daddy jumping the dirt bikes across a ravine.

Riker worn out after a day of biking. Paislee was at school while we went playing. We joked that next time we will have to bring tie downs for Riker!

Papa up to his chest in tumble weeds. They are a very deceiving ground cover.

Papa brought all the kids a treasure from Iraq. Paislee received a camel jewelry box and a camel necklace. They are absolutely beautiful. She wants to wear her necklace everywhere.

All the boys got a camoflouge backpack with their name on it in Arabic.

Paislee started "Princess Ballet"

Paislee also started preschool. She goes two days a week for 4 hours a day. I really thought that I was going to have more time to get tasks accomplished. Boy was I wrong. I am trying to figure out where all the time goes.

We went to Jackson Hole for our summer vacation. We saw lots of neat things. This moose is in the Teton National Park.

We also did alot of hiking while we were in Jackson Hole. This in on top of the tram at Teton Village. It was truly amazing and beautiful. We had a great time and are already looking forward to when we can go back.