Wednesday 11 November 2009

Did Anyone See the Swine?!?

I have been wanting to update my blog, but have been sick in bed since Saturday. Heath went to Heber to watch the extreme mustang makeover that his older brother was competing in, while my mom and sister came down to go to some holiday boutiques. My mom and sister ended up watching my kids until Heath got home because I was so sick I couldn't even get up off the floor. By Monday, Heath had decided that he needed his wife and the kids needed their mommy back so he took me to the doctor. They are pretty sure I contracted influenza and possibly have some pneumonia going on. I attempted to get ready for the day today and travel north to go to work, but by the time I got out of the shower and started to dry my hair, I was ready to lay back down. I will attempt again to go to work. I still have no energy and have no appetite, which doesn't help to get my energy back. I have some greater empathy for those that get the gomboo and hope that those that haven't had it don't have to experience it. I hope to be back to myself soon, since my projects are sitting undone and the house work is piling up! I hope to have cute pics and stories of my family to post soon.


  1. Oh, Geez! Sorry about that. I hope you feel better soon. It's nice that your Bonnie and Molly were there for you. That would have been a terrible day!

  2. we missed you in Heber but Thanks for sharing Heath.
