Yesterday, after a long extra week of waiting for an ultrasound we were finally off to see what this little munchkin is. Paislee reminded me before I went to the doc that it better be a girl! I had to nicely remind her that I am not the one that makes the decision, it is up to our Heavenly Father.
Paislee and Riker were very open about us seeing what sex they were at their ultrasounds, as for this baby, I caught an idea real quick that we may not find out during our scheduled ultrasound and it may be more waiting for me. From the get go, baby was tucked into a little ball with its feet right up against its rump so there was no showing of parts. Baby was also fast asleep, without hope of waking up.
After taking lots of measurements and trying to push on my belly, baby finally decided to move, just enough to get a glimpse!
This is baby all curled up in a ball. The ultrasound tech was very impressed of how curled up baby was. This is the best profile picture we could get. This little one was not about to let us see what we wanted to!

Once we finally got baby to move, it first crossed its ankles and then layed in this position, still making it impossible to see what sex.
After lots of other pics, we finally saw the one we wanted to.
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!