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About three weeks ago I was about to update with some cute pics of my kids and I accidentally hit the reformat button on my camera and erased over 400 pics. I went to bed crying that night and then felt like I would update when I took some more pics of the family.
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Last Sunday I was in the middle of putting the pics on the computer when a man came to pick up a horse that Heath had sold him earlier in the week. Heath was at work and the guy could not catch the horse, so I had to stop, put Riker in the stroller and go out and catch the horses for him and move hay bales. Needless to say, that when I was done, it was to late to play on the computer.

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I decided today was the day. We have done lots of fun things in the last month. Mollie, my sister, and her kids came down about 2 weeks ago and had a barbeque at our neighbors after coming to our ward to hear me give a talk in Church. It was a blast. The kids had a great time, our neighbor Dave, has a bunch of ride on toys for his grandkids that he let them play on. Heath also rode in the reinactment wagon train of the settlement of the Gunnison Valley.
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Last week we took the kids on a day trip up to Fish Lake to go fishing. By the time we got up there, the wind was blowing so bad, that there was no hope of catching any fish. Heath decided to throw his hook in the water, getting it stuck on rocks and hooking himself in the nose after pulling it from the rocks. I was laughing so hard, I was neither any help or took any pics. A few hours later I was still laughing about it, I couldn't even tell Mollie the story. The kids had alot of fun trekking out throught the wilderness and checking out the deer. Paislee is still waiting to go fishing. Everytime we see some water she tells us to stop so we can try and catch a fish.

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On Wednesday we decided to load up the truck and go to Capital Reef. We were originally going to go up to Yuba and water ski, but the weather was not permitting. We had a blast. On Wed we went on a 2 mile hike and Paislee hiked the entire thing! We then tried to go for a bike ride and Riker screamed and so the ride came to a quick end. We attempted to roast marshmellows, Paislee caught hers on fire and Riker just tried to eat all of them before we could roast them. Yesterday we went on a 4 mile hike. I am still sore. Paislee wouln't walk so Heath and I kept trading off on carrying the kids. It was a beautiful view from the top.

Today, Paislee helped her daddy clean the horse corral, while Riker followed me around the house screaming while I attempted to do some house work. Paislee has also been begging to go swimming and is now wearing her swim goggles around the house! Hopefully I can get on top of things and update before July 12th and to let you know how Riker baby's tube placement go!!!

Oh my goodness, your kiddies are such characters. I espcially love the pictures of Riker eating the marshmellows and Paislee dressed up in her cowgirl get-up!
ReplyDeleteHarmonie is freaking out...she keeps hitting my computer screen saying, 'It's Ryker!'
Nice to see you on here, now we can kind of keep in touch :) I really want to come to see your house and your horses..Maraia would love it!! Hope things are going well, talk soon.
ReplyDeleteSuch cute kids! I also love the marshmellow pic and the cowboy get-up. So cute!