Our summer has been filled full of adventures already! A week ago I held a baby shower for my friend Emily at our house. About 20 min after the guest left Paislee pulled a bar stool on to her and cut her forehead. Heath was at work, so the kids and I packed up and drove to Utah Valley Emergency Room. Once we got there the doctor told me that he would need to do conscious sedation on Paislee to make sure he gets the least visible scar possible. Thank you so much to my sister, Mollie, for taking Riker during the procedure and then bringing him back with plenty of treats and a new activity book. He sure is a monster and had he been there I would have been in serious trouble! Paislee did great for the procedure and was quite hilarious coming out of the sedation.
This is Riker's new found treasure. We have had this bummer bottle sitting around since Spit Fire was a colt and we had to bottle feed him after Splash died. Riker likes to try and feed M&M out of it, who does not want anything to do with it.
Paislee and Riker have also been taking swimming lessons. Daddy swims with Riker and both did very well the first session! Riker is a natural fish in the water. Paislee on the other hand, is more into play than in to learning how to swim.
Paislee sitting on the sidelines while her stitches were in. Thanks heavens they were only in for 5 days. She did not like sitting on the sidelines.
We hope to continue to have a fun filled summer. Riker will be 2 next month! I can't believe our little monkey is that big! Heath is almost done building his round pen and once it is done he will be able to start working on his colt. We also have many fun fishing, camping, and dirt biking trips planned. I am hoping with all of our fun activities that we have planned that we can make time to work on the basement. I am hoping that we can have the basement finished by the end of the year since we will be welcoming 2 more little feet into our home then!
We hope you have a fun filled summer!